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How can I subscribe?

Simply on this website. Click on the tab Subscription, select the type of subscription, select the type of payment, fill out the form, and send. Done.

Is that secure?

Yes, our website is encrypted with SSL as indicated by the small lock in the address bar. Our distributor, Vertriebsunion Meynen, then processes your order. They store your data exclusively for processing the subscription and do not pass it on to third parties. Vertriebsunion Meynen is a professional service provider in Eltville, Germany and has the requisite certified equipment.

Can I buy just a single issue?

Yes. Simply select on this website the tab Single issues, select the issue, select the type of payment, indicate the number of copies you require, and send. Done.

Please note: When ordering individual issues, shipping costs incur, which are calculated on the basis of weight and country of destination.

Can I order back issues?

No problem, as long as the issues are not of print. Under the tab Single issues, click on the Table of Contents. On the enlarged page you can browse for topics that interest you.


Can I also subscribe offline or order individual issues?

No problem. Simply send an e-mail with your order and your full postal address to our reader service: Or call: +49-6123-92 38 – 270.

What happens, when I subscribe?

After ordering, you will automatically receive NEUES GLAS-NEW GLASS: art & architecture for one year (four issues). Free of shipping costs.

Is the subscription renewed automatically?

We want to make it as easy and convenient for our subscribers as possible. After one year, we send you a reminder e-mail with a new invoice. You pay the invoice and receive the magazine for another year free of shipping charges.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can informally cancel your subscription at any time, preferably by sending an e-mail with your customer number to

When should I choose the print edition?

You are a haptic person, are sensuously receptive to good paper and excellent print. You collect the magazine and would like to have access to a comprehensive compendium on modern glass art over the years at any time. You do not care about potentially longer delivery times by the postal service.

When should I choose the digital eMagazine?

You don’t want to wait for the postal service. You like to read on one of your electronic devices. You have no more room at home. Also, you want to save money.

How does the eSubscription work?

As a subscriber of the digital eMagazine, you receive an e-mail with a link and password at the same time that we publish the print edition. You click on the link and enter the password in the gray field. You can then access our eMagazine immediately, conveniently read the entire issue on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Or you can download the PDF file, read it offline, and archive it. For each issue, you receive a new e-mail with a new password.

What happens when I move?

Please send your new address per e-mail together with your customer number as quickly as possible to our reader service:

What should I do when I do not receive an issue?

Please remember that postal delivery can sometimes take a bit longer. If an issue has gotten lost during shipping, please contact our reader service. We will then send you a replacement free of charge.

To which countries do we send NEUES GLAS-NEW GLASS: art & architecture?

To all countries. At the moment, forty-one.

Can I gift a subscription?

No problem. Please contact our reader service, indicate that this subscription is a gift, and state the delivery as well as invoice addresses. The gift subscription is automatically limited to one year. Start with the current issue and then the person you are presenting the gift to receives the first issue shortly after.

How do I contact the reader service?

Per letter, fax, phone, or e-mail:

Reader service NEUES GLAS – NEW GLASS: art & architecture

Vertriebsunion Meynen GmbH & Co. KG

65341 Eltville, Germany

Phone: +49 6123 92 38 – 270
Fax: +49 6123 92 38 – 244

Museums, galleries, artists, manufacturers

Question 1 ?

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Question 2 ?

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Question 3 ?

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Question 4 ?

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Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.

Question 5 ?

Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.

Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.

Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.